How to check and calibrate your pressure tank

Please note that it is recommended to check the condition of your pressure tank at least once a year. Watch our help video and or follow the guide with steps to check and calibrate it.

Steps to calibrate a pressure tank:

  1. Connect a garden hose to the bottom of the tank (see photo above).
  2. Close the main valve of your tank.
  3. Open the drainage valve and let the water flow.
  4. See that the pressure your pump starts; you will hear a click.
  5. When you hear the click, check the pressure and close the drain valve.
  6. You have just seen the starting pressure of the pump.
  7. Continue observing to see the stopping pressure.
  8. Take note of both pressures.
  9. There should be a 20 psi difference between start and stop. Ex: 30-50 psi or 40-60 psi
  10. If you have more than 20 psi difference, it is best to replace the switch. (2 to 4 psi is tolerable).
  11. Tank air pressure should be 2 psi less than starting. Ex: starting at 40 psi your tank pressure should be at 38 psi. Air pressure should always be taken without water. To do this, follow the next steps.
  12. Close the pump circuit breaker.
  13. Empty the tank until there is no more pressure.
  14. When your water tank is empty, it is a good time to check the integrity of the tank. Move the tank from left to right. If you hear water being caught inside the tank, this means that your tank is punctured and you need to replace it.
  15. Take a tire gauge 50 psi minimum.
  16. Check tank pressure.
  17. Calibrate the air with a compressor according to the starting pressure – 2 psi
  18. Open the tank drain valve and hold it. (you will probably need someone to help you)
  19. Go to the circuit breaker and turn it back on.
  20. Let the water flow by closing the drain valve and letting the pump fill the tank. Do 4 start and stop cycles.
  21. Let the pump stop and open your main valve.

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